HooDoo Cup Trophy Design
It’s been a long wait, but well worth every second. We’ve finally completed the design of the trophy! If you recall from last year, we had a make-shift base since we didn’t have time to complete it.
We’d like to truly thank the amazingly crafty Amy Arneson for designing all of the wood work, she did an exceptional job. Amy also happened to take 1st place in the women’s category last year!
The trophy will remain at HooDoo Brewery and each year we’ll add a nameplate with the overall winners name from each year. For our first year, 2013, Joe Reiter took 1st place overall, so come on by HooDoo Brewery and check it out, Joe!
It’s that time again for the 2nd year of the HooDoo Cup as well, more info on that within the next week or so.
HooDoo Cup